Parents of children with ADHD are looking for alternatives to the psycho-stimulants that are being prescribed across the USA and much of Europe. Doctors in the US are three times more likely to recommend these ADHD meds than their European colleagues.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 9.4 percent of children and adolescents ages 2 to 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and most are prescribed treatments like methylphenidate (Ritalin). Many are coping with side effects from the medication, such as dizziness, decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, and digestive issues. And some don’t get relief at all from the use of Ritalin.
Parents Are Seeking Alternatives
Many parents are turning to herbal remedies for ADHD because they are now beginning to realize that they do actually work and can be equally effective in calming children. Some herbs can help children with their hyperactivity and inattention which are the most frequent and disturbing symptoms.
What do FDA Black Box Warnings Mean?
Considering that there are no black box warnings on any herbal ADHD remedy means that parents can rest assured that the long term health risks are practically nil. There will be no effects on appetite, sleeping habits and children will be able to cope better. Compare that with the black box warnings on ADHD meds (the maximum warning the FDA issues) where there are risks for children with heart conditions, depression and loss of appetite.
Herbal Remedies for ADHD
As we know there are some risks from free radical damage to any of our body cells so any herbal remedy which will reduce that can be invaluable. The herb bacopa monniera (Brahmi) does just that and in addition, is great for helping children in the learning process as it is a brain stimulant. This will help ADHD children to concentrate better.
Another proven herbal ADHD remedy is Chamomile which is used to lessen nervous tension and relieve frustration and restore calm. It is also used as a tranquillizer and can help people who are tense and nervous to get off to sleep.
Some of the other proven herbal remedies for ADHD are Skullcap, Valerian, Ginkgo Biloba, Avena (green oats). These can all help to reduce restlessness, hyperactivity while helping to increase their concentration and inattentiveness.
FAQs on herbal remedies for ADHD
Some have doubts as to the validity and track record of these remedies. They have actually been around for centuries and have formed the basis of ancient and modern medicine. It is comforting to know that as the majority of the world’s population (about 80%) has to survive on $2 a day, they have no alternative but to use herbal medicine as that is most readily available. This was reported recently by officials at the World Health Organization.